Seeing Christmas through the eyes of your own child is an absolute blessing. I know there are only a few years in which a child really believes in the magic of Christmas so I hold these memories very dear to my heart and want to never forget them. Watching Nico's eyes light up when he came down the stairs was an experience in itself. I loved see his excitement as he discovered the cookies and milk were gone, that his stocking was full, and something special had happened while he had been sleeping. We had a wonderful day overall filled with lots of playing, cooking, eating and laughing, but most importantly, the house was filled with love. It was a perfect Christmas, and I am thrilled for next year when Nico's little sister joins us.
Here is a video of Nico coming down the stairs on Christmas morning:
Here are some, actually a lot, of the pictures capturing Christmas 2011:
Ed and I have been married for 6 years now. After 21 months of trying to conceive we finally did with IVF & ICSI and now have an awesome little boy, Nico. We then were blessed with our precious baby girl, Natalee after 3 IVFs with ICSI, one also with PICSI, 2 IUIs and a loss. This is the story of parenthood, our children and their lives.
All good and perfect gifts come from above. James 1:17
Natalee Lynn
8/15/2012-6 mo checkup. weighed 15 lbs, 15 oz (35 th percentile); 26 in long (42nd percentile); head circum. 16.5 in (22nd percentile). Vaccinations: 3rd DTaP, 3rd Rotovirus, 3rd HIB; dx with possible reflux
7/13/2012-weighed 14lb, 5 oz; 5 mo vaccinations: 2nd Polio, 2nd Hep B, 2nd PCV
06/11/2012- 4 mo vaccinations: 2nd Rotovirus; 2nd DTap; 2nd Hib
06/01/2012-4 mo checkup: weighed 13 lb, 4.5 oz (50th percentile); 24.5 in long (50th percentile).
03/27/2012-2 month checkup: weighed 10 lbs, 9 oz (39th percentile); 22.5 in long (52nd percentile); head circum- 15 in (30th percentile); got her DTaP, Hib and Rotovirus vaccinations
03/20/2012-weighed 10 lbs, 2 oz- dx with ear infection
03/13/2012-weighed 9 lbs, 8 oz; 21 in long; showing colic type symptoms
03/02/2012-weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz; admitted to Cooks, dx with RSV
02/29/2012-weighed 8 lbs 13 oz; test for pertussis
02/01/2012-7 lbs, 6 oz (28th percentile); 20 in long (51st percentile); 13.5 in head circum (21st percentile)
01/27/2012- bili rubin level began going down
01/25/2012-weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz
01/24/2012-dx with low risk jaundice; weighed 7 lbs,1 oz
01/23/2012-Natalee Lynn was born at 12:00 am. She weighed 7 lbs, 6 oz and is 19.25 in long.
Nicholas Edward
03/10/10: 15 mo checkup-weighed 25 lbs, 3.8 oz (59th percentile); 31.5 in long (61 percentile). Got his 3rd Polio, 4th Hib & 4th DTaP vaccinations.
12/11/09: weighed in at 23 lbs, 14 oz; 30 in long. No shots!
10/28/09: weighed in at 22 lbs, 14 oz. Received 2nd flu shot.
09/28/09: 9/10 month checkup-weighed in at 22.lbs, 4 oz (75th percentile); 28.5 in long (50th percentile). Got his first flu shot (no mercury!)
7/20/09: 7 month checkup-weighed 20 lbs, 5 oz, 27.5 in long. Got 3rd Hep B and 3rd PCV vaccinations.
6/15/09: 6 month checkup-weighed 19 lbs, 5 oz (75th percentile), 26 in. long (25th percentile). Got 3rd Rotovirus, 3rd Hib, and 3rd DTap.
05/14/09: 5 month check up-weighed 17 lbs 6 oz (80th percentile), 25.5 in long (60th percentile). Got 2nd PCV, 2nd Hep B, & 2nd Polio vaccinations.
04/13/09: 4 month checkup-weighed 15 lbs 10 oz (60th percentile), 25.25 in long (70th percentile). Got 2nd DTap, Rotovirus, and Hib vaccinations. Ready to begin solid foods now!
04/02/09: Visit to pedi and then ER due to cold and fever. Weighed 15 lbs 6 oz, and 25 in. long.
03/12/09: 3 month checkup-weighed 14 lbs 3 oz, 23.2 in long. Got 1st Hep B and PCV vaccinations. Dx with acid reflux-begin cereal with formula and take Prevacid daily.
02/03/09: 2 month checkup-weighed 12 lbs, 3 oz; 22 in long. Got Hib, DTap, Rotovirus, and Polio vaccinations
12/22/08: 2nd pediatrician appt. weighed 8lbs, 13 oz; 21.5 in long
12/8/08: 1st pediatrician appt. weighed 7lbs 8 oz
12/7/08: Circumsion completed; Nico was discharged from hospital and came home!
12/6/08: Was able to room in with mommy and daddy in the post partum room.
12/5/08: Both cord IVs removed; mommy and daddy were able to hold Nico for the first time!
12/4/08: Taken off ventilator.
12/3/08: Born at 7:53 pm 8lbs 1 oz, 21.5 in long. Taken to NICU due to cord around his neck at birth.
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