In the last couple of months Nico has had two major changes in his little life. In preparation for our family's new arrival, Nico moved from the nursery to a big boy room upstairs. This is a pretty big deal, as Nico has been in the same bedroom downstairs just 50 feet or so from Mommy and Daddy's room. Now he is sleeping upstairs in what used to be his playroom. I was worried he would have a hard time transitioning, knowing that he was further away from our room, but instead, Nico surprised me. He did wonderfully with the transition and loves his new big boy room. I think the preparation of the room helped eased him into the change, so when it happened, he was able to go with the flow. Something else that has helped him was that we purchased an intercom for his room. While the baby monitor is still in the room and we can hear him, he could never hear us...even when we wanted him to. So in order for this very pregnant Mommy from running up and down the stairs in the middle of the night, we can now talk to Nico over the intercom; we can hear him and he can hear us...only when we want him to.
Here are some pictures of Nico's new big boy room.
Another major change for Nico has occurred in the last couple of weeks. I received notification from Nico's school that he is academically ready to move up into the Preschool I class! This is a major step! Of course, the kids have to be potty trained, in which he is, although we have been having some issues during nap time, but they also have to be intellectually and academically ready. Primrose is known for their rigorous academic program and their preschool curriculum is actually the state of Texas' pre-kindergarten curriculum and the pre-kindergarten uses the state's kindergarten curriculum, thus staying ahead a year. Not only is Nico's new class more academically demanding, but it is structured more like a kindergarten class. There is structured center time, whole group as well as small group instruction, and all content areas including science, math, literacy, writing, and social studies are taught on a daily basis.
Nico had a difficult time with the new class for the first week or so. Every morning at dropoff was quite a struggle...probably more for Mommy than Nico. Nico would cling to me and cry not wanting me to leave. He would tell me in the car that he wanted to go to Mrs. Short's class (his previous teacher), but I had to keep explaining to him that he is so smart and because he is such a big boy now that he is three years old, he has to go to the big kid class. Thankfully, a couple of Nico's good friends, one of which he has told us is his "best friend" moved up to the Preschool I class with Nico. This has been a big help with the transition. What helped me was that his teachers did inform me that Nico would only cry until I was out of sight and then he was immediately fine wanting to begin playing. However, this morning was quite different when dropping Nico off at school. As I was talking to his lead teacher for a few minutes, I felt tugs on my arm...I looked down and Nico was starring up at me and told me, "Go to work Mommy!" He actually wanted me to leave and as I walked out the door, he yelled, "Bye Mommy!" I think the transition period is over.
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