This is a great video I was able to capture of Nico talking to his Daddy on the phone. I gave the phone to Nico and he accidentally hit speaker phone, which turned out to be a great thing. They could have continued their "Nico language" conversation all day. Too bad Daddy actually had to go back to work!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
More than St. Patrick's Day
March 17th is now more than just St. Patrick's day, a day which dictactes you are supposed to wear green. March 17th is the anniversary of Nico's egg transfer. Two years ago today Nico, before he was Nico, when he was still just an embryo, was transferred back into me to live, and grow for the next 9 months. We got through all the anxiety and heartache and came out on the other side with an awesome little guy. Nico is all and all a miracle child. I know God has big plans for this little man and I am so excited to see where his life takes him. But for now, I am so honored to just be his mother, to help guide him, teach him, and prepare him the best I can for whatever roads the Lord leads him down.

Nico, as an embryo, exactly two years ago today!

Nico, as a beautiful, wonderful little boy as of today!

Nico, as an embryo, exactly two years ago today!
Nico, as a beautiful, wonderful little boy as of today!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Run, run, run
Ed set a goal and went above and beyond it today. He ran his first half marathon, which is 13.1 miles, in the Dallas Rock N Roll Half Marathon and set a personal best record at coming across the finish line at 1:44:05. Since the race was set to begin early in the morning, Nico, Daddy and Mommy stayed overnight at the five star hotel, Hotel Adolphus so that we would be ready to go the next morning. Since luxury hotel typically do not have a lot of activities for 15 mo old, we got creative and let Nico up and down the hallway to expel some of his energy! Here is a video of our little man running and running. Maybe someday he will be running his own half marathon!
The day of the race, Nico and I had a great time rooting and cheering daddy on and we were joined by our friends, Lisa and David, along with little Dawson who entertained Nico for quite some time. We all piled into one car and drove over to mile marker 7.1 so cheer Ed on as he ran through the course. I was able to shoot a video clip of him passing. He is wearing an orange shirt and you can see him crossing over from the far side of the street to run closer to us.

Just a short note: Crossing the finish line in any race is quite an accomplishment. Just seconds after Ed ran through the finish line, a man named Mark Austry, only 32 years old also completed the race; however, this man collapsed immediately after the race and died shortly after. He left behind a wife and two young daughters. Please pray for this man's family he left behind.
The day of the race, Nico and I had a great time rooting and cheering daddy on and we were joined by our friends, Lisa and David, along with little Dawson who entertained Nico for quite some time. We all piled into one car and drove over to mile marker 7.1 so cheer Ed on as he ran through the course. I was able to shoot a video clip of him passing. He is wearing an orange shirt and you can see him crossing over from the far side of the street to run closer to us.
Just a short note: Crossing the finish line in any race is quite an accomplishment. Just seconds after Ed ran through the finish line, a man named Mark Austry, only 32 years old also completed the race; however, this man collapsed immediately after the race and died shortly after. He left behind a wife and two young daughters. Please pray for this man's family he left behind.
Friday, March 12, 2010
As a late Christmas present, Pops ordered a slide for Nico while we were visiting. The large delivery came yesterday and before the slide was even put together, Nico was climbing all over the individual pieces. It seems that our little monkey prefers to climb up the slide rather than going up the ladder, but he is figuring it out. Once the little guy makes it up to top of the slide he doesn't hesitate to share his excitement by shouting and camping out up at the top for a while before sliding down. For extra fun, the slide has a basketball hoop attached to it, which Nico has demonstrated he is now an expert at dunking. Great present Pops-thanks!
Here are some pictures I snapped quickly of Nico playing on the new fixture on our living room!

Here are some pictures I snapped quickly of Nico playing on the new fixture on our living room!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Plane time
Another good trip
Nico and Mommy once again traveled down to the Rio Grande Valley for some warm weather, sunshine and loves of love and attention from Pops! Nico showed off his constant talking skills, climbing the stairs skills, and his walking/running abilities! He did a wonderful job flying again, however, this time Nico did have a little earache while the plane was descending in altitude. He had a great time exploring (and sweeping!-see the photo below) the Salzman museum as well as the jungle outback.
Thanks for a great trip Pops! Hope you come to visit SOON!

Thanks for a great trip Pops! Hope you come to visit SOON!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Nico's Chair
Just like his Daddy, Nico loves his "man" chair. Whenever, his favorite show, "My Friends Tigger and Pooh" comes on or it is snack time, Nico runs to his chair and plops down for some vege time. While he has this little routine down now, Nico hasn't always understood exactly what the purpose of the chair was. At first, he wasn't sure why this red monstrosity was always in his way or why he often got plopped down on this shorter then rest piece of furniture, but now I am pretty sure he would miss his "Nico-chair" if it were missing.

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