March 17th is now more than just St. Patrick's day, a day which dictactes you are supposed to wear green. March 17th is the anniversary of Nico's egg transfer. Two years ago today Nico, before he was Nico, when he was still just an embryo, was transferred back into me to live, and grow for the next 9 months. We got through all the anxiety and heartache and came out on the other side with an awesome little guy. Nico is all and all a miracle child. I know God has big plans for this little man and I am so excited to see where his life takes him. But for now, I am so honored to just be his mother, to help guide him, teach him, and prepare him the best I can for whatever roads the Lord leads him down.

Nico, as an embryo, exactly two years ago today!

Nico, as a beautiful, wonderful little boy as of today!
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