Of course Nico is an almost 3 year old, so we do have our typical tantrums anf fits, but nothing time out does take care of. Nico has a special chair in the corner, which he frquent to when necessary. The great thing about it, is that he understands that his behavior caused the consequence.
One of my new favorite pastimes is to watch Nico socialize at school. One day I went to pick up the little man and I observed him initiating a chase game, aka "I'm gonna getcha game." Then on the way out, he waved at and hugged two friends good bye. On another day, one in which my Mr. Mann was dressed to a tee, he walked into class and received not only many oos and aws, but received hugs from friends who were very excited to see him. This made my mother's heart melt. Nico now talks about his friends and what they do at school when he gets home. For someone who sees 10 year old who don't even have these little social skills, I feel so blessed and do not take these "normal" skills for granted.
Nico has been getting ready to become a big brother. He enjoys listening to the babby's heartbeat with the home doppler we have, and gets even more excited than he did in the past when he sees a baby. Nico also likes to share the big news with people and tell them that there is a baby in Mommy's tummy. About a week ago Nico even felt the baby jump around, and it was so funny to see his big saucer eyes look up at me with such astonishment.
Here are a few recent cute pictures.

You look amazing!! Love seeing you with that pregnant glow!