Monday, March 23, 2009

Hi-ho hi-ho its off to work we go

With Nico being just a week shy from being 4 months old, my little man and I parted ways today from the morning until late afternoon. In other words, today was Mommy's first day back to work and Nico's first day at school. Mommy was a little emotional his morning when dropping him off, but it definitely gave me peace of mind that I was able to watch him on the Kiddie Kam while sitting in my office.

I missed my angel so much today, but I knew he was in good hands and that he was going to reap the benefits of being in school a such a young age. Nico has already taken notice of the other kids. He smiles and coos directly at some of the other little ones, and the funny thing is that some of the other babies coo right back to Nico. It is just so cute and hilarious all at the same time!

Anal mothers love their children to have anal teachers and one thing I really like about Nico's school is that everyday his teachers send home a little report card. One of the many reasons we put ourselves on the waiting list when I was only 16 weeks pregnant! The daily report card indicates how his day was, how many naps he took and for how long, when and how much he ate, how many diaper changes Nico had and what skills he worked on. Nico's teachers reported that he was a joy to have around and he did quite a lot of talking and smiling with them. He tuckered himself out so much with all of the new experiences that he took three naps today!

Just 10 weeks left until summer vacation when Nico and I are home together again during the day. Until then, Nico is going to learn lots, pick up some social skills, and make some friends.

Here is Nico at school in the same bouncer we have at home! Familiarity is a great thing.

Here is a picture of Nico's school bed and you can see where he was napping earlier.

1 comment:

  1. What a happy baby you have there, those are some great pictures you have there....keep them coming, and yes Mom it does get easier as time goes buy......Miss you guys and love to all
