Nico is now sitting up all by himself! He is so proud of himself and really shows it with his big beautiful smiles. Soon enough he is going to be toddling from room to room with Mommy chasing right behind him. What a big boy!!!
Ed and I have been married for 6 years now. After 21 months of trying to conceive we finally did with IVF & ICSI and now have an awesome little boy, Nico. We then were blessed with our precious baby girl, Natalee after 3 IVFs with ICSI, one also with PICSI, 2 IUIs and a loss. This is the story of parenthood, our children and their lives.
All good and perfect gifts come from above. James 1:17
Natalee Lynn
8/15/2012-6 mo checkup. weighed 15 lbs, 15 oz (35 th percentile); 26 in long (42nd percentile); head circum. 16.5 in (22nd percentile). Vaccinations: 3rd DTaP, 3rd Rotovirus, 3rd HIB; dx with possible reflux
7/13/2012-weighed 14lb, 5 oz; 5 mo vaccinations: 2nd Polio, 2nd Hep B, 2nd PCV
06/11/2012- 4 mo vaccinations: 2nd Rotovirus; 2nd DTap; 2nd Hib
06/01/2012-4 mo checkup: weighed 13 lb, 4.5 oz (50th percentile); 24.5 in long (50th percentile).
03/27/2012-2 month checkup: weighed 10 lbs, 9 oz (39th percentile); 22.5 in long (52nd percentile); head circum- 15 in (30th percentile); got her DTaP, Hib and Rotovirus vaccinations
03/20/2012-weighed 10 lbs, 2 oz- dx with ear infection
03/13/2012-weighed 9 lbs, 8 oz; 21 in long; showing colic type symptoms
03/02/2012-weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz; admitted to Cooks, dx with RSV
02/29/2012-weighed 8 lbs 13 oz; test for pertussis
02/01/2012-7 lbs, 6 oz (28th percentile); 20 in long (51st percentile); 13.5 in head circum (21st percentile)
01/27/2012- bili rubin level began going down
01/25/2012-weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz
01/24/2012-dx with low risk jaundice; weighed 7 lbs,1 oz
01/23/2012-Natalee Lynn was born at 12:00 am. She weighed 7 lbs, 6 oz and is 19.25 in long.
Nicholas Edward
03/10/10: 15 mo checkup-weighed 25 lbs, 3.8 oz (59th percentile); 31.5 in long (61 percentile). Got his 3rd Polio, 4th Hib & 4th DTaP vaccinations.
12/11/09: weighed in at 23 lbs, 14 oz; 30 in long. No shots!
10/28/09: weighed in at 22 lbs, 14 oz. Received 2nd flu shot.
09/28/09: 9/10 month checkup-weighed in at 22.lbs, 4 oz (75th percentile); 28.5 in long (50th percentile). Got his first flu shot (no mercury!)
7/20/09: 7 month checkup-weighed 20 lbs, 5 oz, 27.5 in long. Got 3rd Hep B and 3rd PCV vaccinations.
6/15/09: 6 month checkup-weighed 19 lbs, 5 oz (75th percentile), 26 in. long (25th percentile). Got 3rd Rotovirus, 3rd Hib, and 3rd DTap.
05/14/09: 5 month check up-weighed 17 lbs 6 oz (80th percentile), 25.5 in long (60th percentile). Got 2nd PCV, 2nd Hep B, & 2nd Polio vaccinations.
04/13/09: 4 month checkup-weighed 15 lbs 10 oz (60th percentile), 25.25 in long (70th percentile). Got 2nd DTap, Rotovirus, and Hib vaccinations. Ready to begin solid foods now!
04/02/09: Visit to pedi and then ER due to cold and fever. Weighed 15 lbs 6 oz, and 25 in. long.
03/12/09: 3 month checkup-weighed 14 lbs 3 oz, 23.2 in long. Got 1st Hep B and PCV vaccinations. Dx with acid reflux-begin cereal with formula and take Prevacid daily.
02/03/09: 2 month checkup-weighed 12 lbs, 3 oz; 22 in long. Got Hib, DTap, Rotovirus, and Polio vaccinations
12/22/08: 2nd pediatrician appt. weighed 8lbs, 13 oz; 21.5 in long
12/8/08: 1st pediatrician appt. weighed 7lbs 8 oz
12/7/08: Circumsion completed; Nico was discharged from hospital and came home!
12/6/08: Was able to room in with mommy and daddy in the post partum room.
12/5/08: Both cord IVs removed; mommy and daddy were able to hold Nico for the first time!
12/4/08: Taken off ventilator.
12/3/08: Born at 7:53 pm 8lbs 1 oz, 21.5 in long. Taken to NICU due to cord around his neck at birth.
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