It's official...Nico said his first and second words! He has been saying 'ba' for quite some time now, but its been during the last couple of weeks that Nico started saying 'ba' to communicate wanting his bottle or any kind of food. When your little boy sits in the kitchen and loudly repeats "ba, ba, ba" once he sees you making a bottle, it is pretty obvious what he is trying to tell you. To top that, Nico has also said his second word...Ma-ma! Yep, he knows who I am; by name now. It made my heart skip a beat and a smile spread across my face when Nico came crawling over to me, saying, "ma-ma, ma-ma."
In addition to the awesome strides in language development, Nico has also learned a couple other new tricks. He can now give high-fives and "blow kisses!" We are also making progress on waving bye-bye and can now scoot around backwards on his riding toy. Everyday it is something new with our precious boy. Who knows what tomorrow will hold.
Here are some cute recent pictures.

Just like his Daddy...loves tuna noodle casserole.
Nico took it upon himself to help Daddy set up the new DVD player!
Such a handsome boy!
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