Friday, June 14, 2013


I have done a lot of bragging about my sweet boy and his t-ball playing lately, so I am going to now show off my pretty little princess!  Natalee is certainly growing into a little lady.  She loves pretty things, including clothes (yes, because I do show her pretty things when they come in the mail and she now takes them from me and hugs them), loves playing with and pretend feeding her babies, and has developed such little cute girly mannerisms.  Natalee gets so excited when she see animals, particularly dogs, and can tell you what both cats and dogs say now. When we are on the beach or even outside playing and Natalee spots a dog, she points, starts "barking" and yelling with excitement.

As you have seen in the previous blogs, Natalee is quite the beach baby; she loves both the sand and water.  She is very brave and just heads on down to the water by herself, but enjoys just sitting right at the edge of the tide with the water coming over her feet.. She loves to climb, cuddle, talk on the phone, cook pretend food in the play kitchen, enjoys playing with her play Minnie Mouse vanity set, loves to wrestle with big brother and Daddy, always wants to join in with the other kids, and always makes a beeline for the big playhouse we have out in the front of the house.  Natalee is a joy and almost always has a huge smile on her face that can turn anyone's day into a good one. I blessed beyond words to have this sweet, loving, joyful and even stubborn little girl in my life. Thank you God.

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