Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Visit from Pops and Uncle Jason-Day trip to D.C.

Both Pops and Uncle Jason flew in last week and stayed up north for just about a week!  We had so much fun hanging out together, doing lots of sightseeing in DC and Annapolis and then taking our own mini-vacation to PA where we visited Ninny's grave and toured Gettysburg! The first full day they were here we took the train into DC to do A LOT of walking and quite a bit of sightseeing.  Starting at the Supreme Court, passing by the Library of Congress, visiting the Capital, then walking through the National Mall to the Smithsonian American History Museum.   After the museum, we then walked over to the Washington Monument and wanted to pass by the White House, but the rain clouds that moved in over us changed our minds!  It was a good thing we decided against going over to the White House because as soon as we stepped on the train the sky opened up and rain poured down.

Here are the pictures from the Supreme was pretty inspiring to walk through this incredible building where so many laws and policies for this great country are shaped.


Library of Congress

The Capital

Just some extra snapshots while we were walking around DC

We were waiting to go into the American History Museum...both kids had fallen asleep!

Pieces of the actual Berlin Wall from when it was brought down

Piece of the 9-11 wreckage

Washington Monument

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