Friday, July 5, 2013


On Sunday, Pops, Uncle Jason, the kids and I headed north to PA.  Our first stop was to visit Ninny's and my grandfather's gravesite.  My Dad specifically wanted the tombstone placed before June 30th so we could come visit on this day. June 30th was my grandfather's and Ninny's wedding anniversary.  Ninny's tombstone was placed just a few short days before our visit and we wanted to see how it looked next to my grandfather's. It is hard to believe that Ninny has been gone for more than 2 months now.  I know she would have been so happy that Dad, Jason, my kids and I were spending time together and that was only really possible because she left to be with the Lord. It was kind of surreal driving up with myself and Dad in the front and Jason and the kids in the back....seems like just yesterday when Dad, Jason, Ninny and I were going on our annual vacations.  Except now, instead of Ninny in the back, it is my own children. 

It may be a little confusing to see, but my grandfather was previously married before Ninny.  His wife passed away during childbirth after they had 6 children together. So she and their infant are also buried here.  This is how my Dad has 6 half siblings...only one of which is still alive today, who is 18 years older than him. 

My sweet missed.

Since we came to visit Ninny on her and my grandfather's anniversary, I thought I would share their wedding picture.
After seeing my grandfather and Ninny's gravesite, we walked all over the cemetery looking for my great-grandparents who are buried there as well.  However, they both died in the 1920s and many of the tombstones were so old they could not be read and some had even been knocked down.  So unfortunately, we were not able to find them, but the church should have record of where they buried. Hopefully before the next time we visit, we will be able communicate with the church and find out this information.


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