Thousands of years ago the first Christmas came; however, no one who was there knew the magnitude for which the impact that the newborn baby boy would eventually have on all humanity. The first Christmas must have been such a mixture of emotions including joy, love and celebration, but also fear and worry of what the future held for Mary, Joseph and their brand new baby. Many times, the true meaning of the Christmas holiday becomes diluted and less of a priority when compared to the gift buying and receiving, outlandish decorations, holiday parties, and Santa. We get so wrapped up in the secular version of the Christmas holiday that we forget that we have already been given the most incredible gift all-eternal life with our Savior.
For many, including myself this year, December 25th rolls around and Christmas day is not filled with all the perfect joy and fun that you had planned. Instead many are filled with disappointment, sadness or depression and some may even experience anger, none of which celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made for us. The thought of this sacrifice is so hard for me to wrap my head around. Maybe because I am and have been in the midst of the "baby stage" with Nico, but Jesus came to us in a form of a baby. He had to poop in a diaper, spit up on his mother, learn to walk, talk and so many other things in which God himself should not have to endure. But He did. He sacrificed himself for us, and this fact alone should make Christmas fabulous every year. While the holiday this year was not all that I intended for it to be or expected, I am so eternally grateful for God's grace and love, and Ed and I are also so blessed during this holiday season with our little Nico.
Although Nico was breaking in a new tooth and had the beginnings of a very bad cold, he had a good time opening up his presents.

Christmas Eve, we got more snow than I ever seen in Texas!

The little man was not a big fan of the cold snow, but we had to get a picture knowing we were experiencing possibly the only white Texas Christmas we would ever see!

Nico opening his stocking.

This was a great present! Nico now is the owner if his very own ball pit, thanks Aunt Lisa!