This past weekend Mommy and Daddy took Nico on a trip to meet some more family. We flew in to Phoenix, AZ and then drove to Aunt Renee and Uncle Mike's house in Prescott Valley. A total of a 7 hour trip, and Nico was on his very best behavior. Nico was able to meet a lot of his cousins, including Connor, who is the youngest addition to the family, and he was also able to spend some time with his Nana and Aunt Teresa. Saturday after everyone had arrived we had an early Walden Christmas, exchanged presents and ate lots of good food. Admist all of the choatic fun, Nico took his first steps for everyone to see! Overall, we had a great time and hope to see everyone here in Texas next year.

Our first night there; it was just appropriate for this Italian family to want to eat Italian food.

Nico sitting with his Nana.

Nico and Daddy playing around.

Cousins, Ashliegh, Jon and Jocelyn

Daddy with Aunt Renee

Aunt Teresa with her girls.

Nico enjoyed the gifts he received, however, this tissue paper was the best!

Nico is not sure about what to do here! He is attempting to hold his baby cousin Connor.

Can you tell Daddy has handled twins before?

The three youngest kids in the Walden bunch.

Daddy, Mommy, Nico and Nana.

Nico with Aunt Teresa.

Aunt Renee with Baby Connor.
Thanks Courtney, you are the best when it comes to posting pictures, and it was just so good to see you and Nico, and of course Ed....Next year Texas for sure