We ring in a new year tonight. Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010. For our family, 2009 has been year of amazement, discovery, excitement and then some tearful moments as well. Fortunately, Nico has brought only joy to Ed and I. One year ago we were fumbling around on very little sleep with bottle warmers, boppys, and breast pumps. Today, I still sometimes stumble when I come upon a new gadget or trying to adjust Nico to a new schedule, but there is a bit more grace and confidence involved now.
How quickly this year has gone by. Although expected, Nico has changed so drastically over his first year of life. I love watching our little man grown and learn; however, it is still somewhat heart wrenching knowing he will never be that tiny infant again. I guess it's a good thing I take lots of pictures! Since every year just seems to get better, I am looking forward to what 2010 will bring us.

Our precious miracle baby, one year ago.

Our 1 year old Nico ready to go into 2010.
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