God promises, "I will guide you. I will turn darkness into light before you and make the rough places smooth." Isaiah 42:16. With this said, I know all of these little hills we must conqueror are nothing in the face of God, and that He knows what He is doing and why.
On top of the typical discord and tension in the house due to endless circumstances that I do not have the privledge nor the desire of discussing, Nico and one of the furbabies of the household had a conflict. A little over a week ago, while the streets outside were in the process of icing over, Nico startled Pettie and received the brunt of an old, sleepy, startled, defensive canine. Not seeing exactly what happened, all I can say is that one minute all was quiet and the next there was an "I am in pain" scream coming from my one year old. I ran into the bedroom to find Nico laying on his stomach and Pettie crouching near his dog bed. Everything is now a blur, but Nico's face was bleeding near his eye. I remember thinking over and over, what if it's eye, oh my gosh, what we will do, will he be able to see?! It the midst of me screaming and crying right along with Nico I managed to call Ed, and wake up EJ, who was very sweet by sitting with me and helping hold Nico until Ed came home. God, once again, was looking out for little Nico. He stopped crying not long after the incident, but looked like he had been in quite a tussle. The whole situation could have been so much worse than it was, but fortunately, I think God is overly invested in Nico (being a two time miracle and all...). We did make the trip to the ER, where Nico thankfully did not need stitches and I was forced into making a police report.
After texting everyone in my phone trying desperately to find a new home for Pete who has been with me for 10 years, my mom came through once again. After lots of stress, tears, an unexpected visit from Animal Control, and a 10 day quarantine, this story will end on Monday in Waco when I meet my mom to give her my long time friend. While this whole ordeal was a nightmare for me, I think God was giving us a warning with Pete's attack on Nico. He has always been an overprotective and defensive dog and now with him being 70 in human years, this was probably an inevitable occurrence. All in all, the situation could have been so much worse than it was.

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