It just seems like it has been one thing after another in our little world. A little over a week ago, poor Nico caught a virus from who knows where. First, our little guy broke out in a rash all over his chest and tummy. After observing him clawing at himself, I concluded that this may be an itchy rash, so Benedryl became our best friend. I took Nico to the doc-in-the-box on a Sunday and low and behold I was told, "it's a virus and just needs to run its course." Because time has not been much on our side, Nico developed a fever of 102 and then graced me with a layer of vomit within two hours of returning home from getting the superb advice. With the new symptoms, I called the on-call pedi/nurse, and surprisingly was told, "it's stomach virus and just needs to run its course." I was definitely glad to have that cleared up (sarcastic).
The good news, is that this "stomach virus" was gone within 24 hours and we did not have repeated vomitting. The bad soon as Nico was rid of the virus, he began teething! Apparently I have been neglectful of noticing the new additions to Nico's mouth, and once I felt around in there, I was in shock. Nico now is the proud owner of 12 beautiful pear;y white teeth!
Besides a second haircut, a fun filled trip with Matthew to
Abbey's Playtown, getting a new ball pit, and a couple of excursions to the park (before this cold weather came back), not a lot has been happening in the life of Nico. But as always, here are some recent pictures of the man of the hour.

These pictures are adorable. I really like his bear hat, I've never seen anything like that before.
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