Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Go, Go Nico!!!

On Labor Day Nico ran his very first race!  The Fort Worth Labor Day Race included a 1K race for kids early in the morning before the 5K and the 15K. The 15K race is one race that Ed runs every year, so this year he signed Nico up for his own debut race. The day before Labor Day we went out on a family outing to find Nico some great running shoes for his race. He ran around the track in the store with his new shoes saying, "I'm fast like Daddy," and the next day he was able to prove it.
Pre-race dinner....spaghetti and meatballs. These boys need their carbs.
Trying on running shoes.

Early in the morning as we were on our way to the race, Nico told us that his "heart was beating fast" and that his "tummy hurt."  Our little man was nervous about his upcoming race and this was his way of trying to describe what he was feeling.  After making our way to the race grounds, Nico went with Daddy to the start line and Natalee and I waited further up from the start so I could root him on as he ran by us.  Nico waved at me as he ran by next to his Daddy and I can tell you I just gleamed with pride as I watched the back of him run amongst all the other racers.
Pre-race picture of the two runners. Like Father, like Son.
Pre-race nervous smile.
My racers showing off their cool race shoes!
The start line form my view.
Here they come....passing me by!
And there they go!

Since I was not in the race, I had to have Ed report back to me what happened.  He said that at one point during the .77 mi race, Nico stopped running and began walking, but after just 10 seconds to so, he picked up running again all on his own without being pushed to do so.  Nico was pushing himself to run the whole race and make it to the end.  I had told Nico before the race that I would be at the finish line waiting for him just like he and I are always there waiting for Daddy to cross.  Ed told me that as soon as they rounded the last corner and the finish line was in sight, Nico dropped Ed's hand (they held hands running for most of the race), began pumping his arms and legs to go faster, and just took off!  He was looking back and forth searching for me as he approached the finish line and when I finally was able to make my way to him he had the most proudest and tiredest look on his face I think I have ever seen!  Nico left that day not only with his first trophy, but a little more grown up than he was before this huge achievement.

Here he comes!  He's making it to the finish line!

This Mama was tearing up watching he little man accomplish this!
Nico can't take his eyes off his new trophy!
This is one proud boy!

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