This past weekend was Nico's third and final party as a 2 year old! Pops came into town to celebrate Nic's birthday and Christmas all at once. We started the short visit out with a visit to see Santa at the Mall. While waiting in line, Nico was very excited to see Old St. Nick, but when it was finally our turn, Nico was a little unsure, but there were certainly were no tears.

After visiting with the man in red, we walked around the bustling mall, did a little window shopping and also a little Nico shopping. Somebody always gets a little spoiled when Pops comes to town!
Then it was time for birthday party #3!!! With a Toy Story cake to boot, Nico had a blast digging right into his cake. The little man definitely know he is 2 years old now. Go ahead, next time you see him, ask him...he will tell he is "tou."
Present opening time is always a blast for this little guys now. He is an expert at ripping opening gifts. Once the new play kitchen Pops gave Nico was assembled, the birthday boy had some great fun mixing and stirring and cooking up a storm. We told Nico he was responsible for making dinner that night! Ha!
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