Friday, August 17, 2012

6 1/2 month Stats

Natalee had her 6 month checkup yesterday.  She weighed 15 lbs, 15 oz (in the 35th percentile), was 26 inches long (in the 42nd percentile), and had a head circumference of 16.5 inches (22nd percentile). Natalee got three vaccinations, yes, I still spread out the vaccinations to every month during the first year.  Rotovirus, HIB, and DTaP were the three lucky chosen vaccinations to be given and next month she will get either two or three (I am still deciding). Everything about the appointment went well. She has met all milestones: rolling, sitting up, hand to hand exchange, recognizes voices and for what we can tell, her name, and babbles like there is no tomorrow!  I did express my concerns that poor Natalee has had this darn cough almost continually since coming down with RSV, which was the end of February. She will cough herself into fits and then sometimes she will gag enough to where she vomits. It doesn't happen everyday, but I suppose it has been at least once a week. She does begin coughing the most after eating sometimes even an hour after eating.  This is what really caught the pedi's attention.  After asking me 150 questions, and listening carefully to Natalee;s lungs and airway, she determined that the best dx at this point is reflux. Nico had reflux, which is interesting...I am not sure if there could be a connection or not. So Natalee is now to begin taking Zantac twice a day.  If in two weeks I do not see any improvements, I will be going back in to reexamine the issue.

Here is a little run down of how my precious girl and what she has been up to:
1. She is sitting up all by herself and loves to play with various toys in that position.

2. Natalee has really started to begin interacting with Nico. She babbles to him constantly and her smiles never end while he is being a silly boy in front of her. I am pretty sure she thinks he hangs the moon.

3. Babbling...oh my!  I think I may be in trouble with this one.  I have been told 100 plus times that girls talk more than boys, and I think she may have already started.  Even while in the car, she just sits back there "talking" the entire time!

4. Natalee prefers to sleep on her side or on her back with her arms above her head.  She has connected to a pink bunny lovie, and loves holdings it ear, while stroking it against her left eye in order to fall asleep.

5. She is enjoying the baby food I have given which is: bananas (gives her constipation I have discovered), apples, pears, avocados (a favorite), sweet potatoes, peas (another favorite), green beans, carrots, squash, zucchini, cereal, oatmeal, and asparagus is next on the list (I just have to find the time to make it!). 

6. Natalee is also really enjoying her Mum mums!  When she sees me holding one, she grabs it from my hand as fast as she is able to and it goes straight to her mouth! We have tried Puffs, but she is not quite ready yet for them. It is difficult to transfer them from her hand to her mouth since they are so small.

7. Recognizes my voice, Nico's and her Daddy's. When Daddy comes home from work and Natalee hear his voice, she perks right up and gives him some huge smiles.  She definitely loves her Daddy and especially loves it when he sings to her.

8. Natalee seems to enjoy being in her crib (to a point).  In the mornings when she wakes up, she will happily lay in her crib, cooing, rolling around, playing with her paci and lovie, and trying to turn on her crib aquarium (she is often successful).

These six months have gone by so quickly and she has changed and accomplished so much in those six months.  I know the next six are going to be just as exciting and I am looking forward to watching my baby girl grow even more beautiful inside and out!
Little Lady's first pigtails!  Can you believe that at six months, she has enough hair for pigtails?!

Daddy attempting to teach Natalee how to crawl!
Showing off her sitting up skills!

My sweet angel girl!

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