Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Visit with an Old Friend and First Time Bowling

My dear friend, Tara, of 20 years came to visit the kids and I this past weekend while Ed was up in the Pacific Northwest. Although Tara and I do not talk on the phone much or seeing each other as often as we would like, when we do get to catch up, it is like we are picking up from the last time we were able to visit.It was a great time being able to catch up and relax with each other. 

One thing we did while Tara was here, was take Nico bowling for the first time. After being there for about 5 minutes, I was wondering why in the world had Ed and I not already taken him to bowl?! Nico was so excited and had such a good time. He little guy had this dinosaur tail apparatus where he could roll the ball down onto the lane. Of course the bumpers were up and he got a strike and few spares, but even when he took a shot without the bumpers,Nico was able to knock down a few pins. Overall, bowling was a hit and I have a feeling this may become a frequent family activity.

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