Saturday, November 24, 2012

10 Months

10 months and counting!  Natalee is only 2 months shy of turning 1 year old!  Holy cow!  She is amazing in every way and brings our family so much joy!

Let's see....

Sleeping:  Natalee, I have to say that I think you can do better. In fact, I know you can do better.  I have seen better.  Mama is tired and you need to start sleeping through the night again like you did for a short period of time.

Right now, little you wake about on average twice a night.  While you have your pacifiers and your bunny, you do not know how to self sooth yourself back to sleep. Even when I go in there to give you the pacifier, you wants nothing to do with it....but instead only want the bottle.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, else will put you back to sleep.  Natalee, you had this mastered before 6 months of age, but after catching a cold with a cough again and your reflux then acting up from the cough, our nights have not been the same since.  I think, my sweet little angel girl, that your late night parties need to come to and end so we can all be happier mommies and babies.

Eating:  Natalee, I think you may be just like your brother in a sense that you are super picky!  You seem to be done with baby food, which is good. You want nothing fed to you on a spoon.  If I give you anything on a spoon you spit it/spray it right back out at me!  So we have turned mostly to table food...but you are still pretty picky.  You had a swallow study done a week ago and they said babies can refuse food up to 15 times, so you are going to keep getting all things you are refusing to eat! You do, however like penne pasta, bread, crackers (especially graham crackers), watermelon, sweet potatoes, white beans, and sometimes peas. 

Getting around:  Natalee, You started crawling 10 days ago and since then you have taken off!  You are a speedy crawler and moving all over the place.  You are following me from room to room and following Nico around as well. You love seeing what your big brother is up to and prefer to be in his room over your own and playing with his toys over yours.

Demeanor: Natalee, You have to be the happiest baby in the world!  Everyone is always commenting on how happy you always are.  The majority of the time, you are smiling and babbling about something.  You love watching what others are doing and try to copy (mostly Nico) their actions. 

Language: Natalee, You are quite the talker already!  You love to babble and do it all day long.  You are saying ma-ma, da-da, bu, and ba-ba, but I do not think there is meaning or any association with the babble yet. However, you do try to copy the sounds I say to you at times and get excited (by clapping) when you are able to copy me.

This is you on November 23. 2012...we are at your Aunt Teresa's house, so that is why I have there are exposed outlets.  Don't worry Nat-nat, I do keep your safety in mind.

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