Friday, June 22, 2012

I have to brag...

About my precious Nico. His heart is so big it he demonstrates his loving nature very often and frequently towards the littlest one. Typically, Natalee will take two longer naps and a short one thorughout the day; however the other day, she must have been protesting. I could not for the life of me, get this sweet baby to sleep in the late afternoon as I am able to. Since I had 150 million other things going on, such as cooking dinner, cleanning, catering to my dear 3 year old, and monitoring my crazy online students (at least they were crazy that day), I decided to try a bit of CIO with Natalee for the first time. Silly baby girl was extremely tired, but would not cooperate with what she needed to do, so I laid her down in her crib and let her fuss and cry some.

Nico, was so concerened and did not understand why in the world I was not running in to get Natalee! He kept coming into the kitchen saying, "Mommy, go. Natalee is crying." After multiple attemots of him trying to get me to go get Natalee, he realized I was not budging for the time being. So this big hearted brother took matter into his own hands and went on into Natalee's room. He climbed up on the crib and stood there talking to her, making her smile and laugh. Nico would then leave the room once he thought Natalee was happy again, but before he knew it, he heard crying coming from the nursery! So he turned right back around and would run quickly into the room to continue to make his little sister happy....and he did this for a good 20 minutes.

My sweet boy continued to go out of his way to make his little sister happy. He easily could have ignored the crying and instead watched one of this favorites, "Super Why" or "Caliou," colored, or played on his Nook or laptop. However, he put his sister first; he cared about someone more than himself even at the mere age of three, and showed how big his heart is. What a gift from God this precious boy is!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful to see the sibling love with such young kiddos?! What a blessing!
