Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Boy After God's Own Heart

It's now Nico's turn for me to brag about him.  Not sure if I have mentioned lately, but Nico is really an amazing person.  Of course I love him dearly because he is my son, but even when trying to be non-biased I am in awe of the sweetness this child carries deep within him. The heart of this boy has is so huge for others.  Nico cares deeply for others, even those he doesn't know, but especially for his loved ones. The love and attention Nico shows particulary towards his little sister leaves me in amazement at times.   He is becoming the big brother for her I have prayed for.   While he still has his brotherly moments of teasing and playing around with Natalee, Nico also has a heart of gold when it comes to her.  He is very protective of her...when we are at the park or in a play area, Nico follows her around, making sure no one touches her, bothers her, hurts her or gets in her way.  He is constantly wanting and trying to play with her as well.  He lets her watch him when he is playing a game on the iPad or my phone, they often sit together or lay on each other when watching a movie and I often hear Nico trying to instruct Natalee how to do something or how something works (like when playing with a particular toy).  When Natalee is sad and crying or in trouble, Nico will be off in a second looking for Bunny to give to her in order to console her. He will also put his arm around her shoulders and say, "It's ok Nat-Nat, it's ok." 



As most everyone knows, Nico is here only because of the Grace of God.  He is a God given miracle.  I knew and felt that after he not only lived through his birth experience but came out unscathed, that God had huge plans for my little man. I still think this and as he grows older I can see he is a boy after God's heart. He freely speaks about God and Jesus to me throughout each day, often asks me questions and understands more that I expected he would be able to at this age, which is such a blessing. 

Two weeks ago Nico began Awanas class, where he is a Cubbie for the year!  Awanas is a class for kids to learn to respect God, His word and His son.  They earn rewards and badges, memorize Bible verses and have fun doing it.  I was so proud of him memorizing his first Bible verse so quickly!

"1 John 4:10  God loved us and sent His son."

We also started our new season of BSF two weeks ago. Both Nico and Natalee go to their own Bible Study class while I attend mine, and we will all be learning and studying from the book of Matthew from now until the end of May.   I really pray God uses this weekly class to teach to us and open our eyes to new things.

I am so incredibly thankful for Nico and the person God is shaping him to be.  He is such a precious gift from God and while he is so young and innocent, I have learned so much from him.  I pray that he finds the path and purpose God has already paved for him, because I know deep in my soul that is holds great importance to His Kingdom.

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