Friday, September 20, 2013

Las Vegas Day 3

Day 3 was the start of wedding stuff...Ed started the day wit having brunch with all of his grown kids, Amber, EJ and Casie. Then Amber and I had our nails scheduled to be done, then I did some shoe shopping and once Ed came to pick us up we headed to Cesar's to pick up Jeremy so he could grab his tux. Then we headed over to Victoria Family's Garden where the wedding was to be held the next day.  We had an unofficial dress rehearsal to get some idea of what and how things were going to occur the following day. This was certainly a day of driving back and forth, picking up people and dropping them off....because after the "dress rehearsal" we then picked up Casie and her fiancé, Brandon and headed back to our hotel, where EJ, Jason, Kaori, Gigi and the kiddos were.  Gigi, Jason and Kaori left for the night and then Jon (Ed's nephew) and Nana arrived!  This was the first time Ed had all of his children in the same place at the same time and although it was a short amount of time, it was very sweet. 

Earlier that day Ed took Nico and Natalee swimming. Nico was thrilled...Natalee not so much!


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