Saturday, September 21, 2013

A very busy little princess

It is amazing how much Natalee has grown!  She has shed her baby-ness and is a little girl toddler now through and through....including her sassy behaviors.  This little one is so full of energy and always on the move.  She now love to play with toys!  Her favorite toy is "Bunny"...her lovey, which is pretty much dragged everywhere and is beginning to look like it!  Nat-Nat has discovered all of her headbands and she loves to play in those...I frequently find her up in her room with headbands all over the floor and many either on her head or her arms as if they were bracelets.  Nat seems drawn to Hello Kitty stuff and anything with cats.  She will meow over and over with the biggest smile on her face. Natalee also loves playing with her play-jewelry, and with the Little People animals and barn, pretending to cook in the play kitchen and feed whoever is around, looking at books, trying to do her own hair (which is pretty hilarious) and her Minnie Mouse Vanity set...she is very much a girl! 

In addition, to her play skills and preferences, knowledge and language is also increasing. Natalee says quite a few words, of course most seem to be related to eating, but nevertheless they are words and sometimes they are used inconjucntion with signs I have taught her.  She is doing a great job at communicating with at telling us what she wants, by coming to get one of us and either pulling us to or pointing to what she wants.  Lately Natalee has also been showing and interest in trying to help me with chores such as unloading the dishwasher...she will take silverware out of the washer and put them in the appropriate drawer, put trash in the trash can, clean up toys or things that are out of place.
  • Words that she is saying: Mama, Dada, Didi (Gigi), Nana (Nico), coocker (cracker), cookie, whoa, wow, purpa (purple), ouch, nigh-night, more, eat, bebe (baby), Be (bunny), moon, down, done, go-go, walk, book, shoe, hi, bye-bye,

Our little angel is also becoming quite the stinker!  She often chooses to ignore us when we call her or tell her to do something or throw a tantrum when she does not get her way, but we are already working on this.  Sadly Natalee has already experienced her first time out, which she did not care for. 

Nat-Nat is certainly a little spit fire who has a heart of gold. I have already seen her sharing with kids her age.  She absolutely adores Nico and wants to do everything he does.    Natalee is very loving, enjoys climbing into my lap and sitting with me (for a few minutes at least), and gives all of us (including Bunny) spontaneous kisses frequently, which is awesome.

So happy and enthusiastic!

 My pretty girl!
Carry her pretty clothes (and Bunny) around.

Nat loves her pretty MJs!
Nat loves to play with the animals, place them in the barn and make the animal noises.

So silly with her kissy faces!

Here is Nat playing with her headbands!

What a little model!

She knows how to pose for the camera!

Wearing the headbands as bracelets!

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