Natalee is 9 days old today and she is doing amazingly well and getting more and more beautiful everyday. Gigi and I took our little princess to the pedi today for a follow up and Natalee is back to her birth weight at 7 lbs, 6 oz. She also supposedly grew 3/4 of an in and her jaundice is completely gone! Her pedi actually said, that Natalee looks "perfect!" I certainly could not argue with that!!! She and I have now been home from the hospital for a week now and I have been trying to work on having a routine with her while spending time bonding and getting to know this precious little girl. Here are some attributes I have noticed during this first week of having our sweet daughter at home:
Natalee, unlike Nico when he was an infant, does not care to be swaddled.
Natalee does not consistently like his pacifier, she would much rather have the boob!
I am formula feeding at night and breast feeding during the day, and somehow every night at about 8:00 pm Natalee seems to know it is time for a bottle over breast.
She also is great at switching between breast and bottle; yea her!
So far there has only been one very small spit up incident...yea, so far no reflux!
Natalee's umbilical cord stub fell off Sunday night, which was really fast. This helped make for some awesome pictures the next day though.
It seems that Natalee HAS to sleep with the teddy bear which makes the heartbeat sounds, and she also appears to require the TV on to sleep at night...It is strange because she will begin fussing when the TV is off or silent.
Natalee makes excellent eye contact with me and she also is very active in looking around at her surroundings.
She most definitely knows when her Momma is holding her or not; I suppose it is the smell. She often calms down when I pick her up over others and cries when someone takes her from me.
She makes the cutest facial expressions when sleeping.
Although it is pretty early to tell, Natalee's eyes have turned from dark, dark blue-gray to just dark blue! I am hoping these baby blues stick.
When changing Natalee's diaper on her changing table, she loves to look into the mirror at herself and me.
The hiccups are something that can be heard often throughout the day, which is not different from when Natalee was inside her Mommy.
This little girl is very hard to burp!
Natalee seems to love watching Nico and I really think she recognizes his voice because she reacts to the sound of him. So sweet!
Here are some pictures taken in the first week at home.
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