When we arrived at Cook Children's Hospital we were quickly taken into the back due to Natalee's young age. The doctor came in to see us shortly after being taken to a room and he informed us that the pertussis results from Wednesday were negative; however after just putting eyes on Natalee and hearing her cough, he said he was 99% sure she had RSV. RSV can be a very dangerous, but very common virus for infant, but in older children and adults just acts like a nasty cold. Natalee's test results came back positive and it is still assumed she caught this virus from Nico. The nurse did a couple of deep suctioning sessions of Natalee's nose and throat, and two medicated breathing treatments before the doctor decided it may be best for Natalee to stay overnight to be monitored. He said in a way we are already through the tough part of the virus which typically occurs around day 4-5, but he wanted to be extra careful since she is only a month old.
So here I sit in a room on the 5th floor of Cook Children's Hospital where the nurses and staff are all wearing gowns and masks when they come in the room. Natalee has an IV hook up to right now to keep from getting dehydrated, is receiving continued medicated breathing treatments every 4 hours and CPT 4times a day. There is not a medication or a quick fix it for RSV since it is a virus. Instead, it just has to run its course. The doctor told us that the cough could even linger around for a month or so! I am very glad I decided to listen to my Mommy instincts and took some action today. Hopefully, we will be able get Natalee feeling a little bit better and go home tomorrow.
Here are a couple of picture...The first is of Natalee getting a breathing treatment and the second is of her soundly sleeping in the crib here in room after a very long and hard day.

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