Just as her appearance changes almost on a daily basis, so does her personality. Here are a few characteristics about our angel:
1. Natalee has taken to her paci more
2. Natalee prefers sleeping on her boppy, especially since being sick so she can breathe a bit better
3. She really enjoys laying on her changing table and prefers to not have any clothes on.
4. Natalee seems to be ticklish on her tummy and sides; cute smiles come out.
5. She loves people talking to her. Natalee will stare at you and smile when talking directly to her in an upbeat voice.
6. Little Miss still does not care for her car seat, but does like being in the car.
7. She is the happiest when in her nursery.
8. Recently Natalee has decided she enjoys being snuggled up next to her Mommy in the Baby K'Tan. This has been a good way to calm her down when she's fussy.
9. Natalee enjoys taking baths and lots of smiles come out when in her bath seat.
10. Is beginning to grasp items with some purpose. She has tried batting at the hanging toys on her bouncer seat, but was not able to use enough force.
Here are some recent pictures of our super star!
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