Look at that smile! Natalee is happy she gets to go home today!
Natalee and I had a decent night last night here at the hospital. She got lots of rest and had her scheduled treatments throughout the night. I on the other hand did not get too much sleep since there was someone constantly coming into the room to check vitals, do treatments or a million other things. Since waking up this morning, Natalee has started keeping not only pedialyte down, but also her formula. In addition, she has had consistent and frequent wet diapers, which means she is not dehydrated anymore! The pedi recently came in to check on Natalee and it looks like we are going home today! Now I just have to wait around for an hour or two for the discharge paperwork. The doctor told me that Natalee is on the tail end of this virus since she has already been sick for a week. She will continue to have a cough, but it should subside quite a bit over the next few days. She empahsized we were very lucky that Natalee did not have to have oxygen, as most infants do, and that she has bounced back as well as she has in just the last 24 hours. My precious little girl is such a strong one and a great fighter!

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